Title: Doomworld Speedmapping Compilation #4
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/dwspd004.zip
Size: 262.44 KB
Date: 08/01/01
Author: Various
Description: This is a compilation of the WADs entered in Doomworld's fourth speedmapping exercise. Participants were given 100 minutes to create a Doom 2 level on a certain theme. This week's theme was to build a map set in a tech base, with at least two secret areas.
Credits: http://www.telefragged.com/speedmaps/ for bringing this idea to my attention. Everyone who showed up for the exercise, even if they couldn't make a level. Doomworld.com. id Software.
Base: From scratch
Build time: 100 minutes
Editor(s) used: Various
Bugs: The levels in this WAD were all built in 100 minutes, so they did not have a chance to be thoroughly tested. Some bugs undoubtedly exist.
Rating: (3 votes)
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My faves were levels 4 and the best one of them all, level 8. While some of these maps suck, some seem like it would take longer than 100 minutes. 4/2/07x
a ty between no.2 and 4 thay mached the teck bace theme well and had some cool seacrits i also liked the storig bace them in no.8 but it was a little to cramed with monstersx

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