Title: elpaseomortal
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/elpaseom.zip
Size: 430.59 KB
Date: 05/20/09
Author: Jose Barzallo "doomguyer"
Description: a map for doom 2. zdoom engine needed
Credits: arcades 3d forum
Base: New from scratch
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Rating: (11 votes)
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A couple of simple school rooms having a huge copy-and-paste factor, an overpopulated sniper alley, and a graveyard with 4 AVs. Gameplay @ UV is simple and way too repetitive, and gets quickly boring. Overall: somewhere between awful & meh + .5 for the effort = small 2*.x
Not a bad map, considering it's a newbie effort. Expansive, well-paced, and looks good. It chugs a little bit at one point in the massive lecture hall-looking place where you grab the yellow key, and the door that is unlocked by that yellow key is made of several posts which all open independently rather than as one big door. all in all a very worthwhile download, I'm glad I randomed this!x
This is dated December 2008. You fight 270 baddies in an entertaining map in a kind of airy, bright tech-office / posh boarding school style. It has an odd mix of clever design ideas, sound progression, implied impse, wonky textures, and loads of those blue health vials. Culminates in an outdoors bit with dozens of distant chaingunners that's just too frustrating and lets the level down. It was was doing well until that point.x
It's one of those newbie maps that actually seem inspired. I mean, design mistakes of a first mapper are obvious but there are some great ideas there. It's the enthusiasm of trying to design some funny or interesting things as your very first level, while other "professional" maps will have followed some design rules but be boring. I like such inspiring wads from newcomers. 5/5 - Optimusx
nice crap.x
Oh boy, another "map of my school" map.x

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