Title: The Exterminator (Light version)
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/extermin.zip
Size: 909.52 KB
Date: 04/01/07
Author: Cliff AKA Lizardcommando
Description: It's a cartoony, MSPAINT weapons mod for the latest version of ZDoom (2.1.7 as of this writing). This is supposed to be the remake of my EDGE weapons mod, Immoral Conduct: Lizard Edition (ICD-Lizard). There aren't as many weapons as ICD-Lizard but I'm sure people won't mind. There are three new enemies, but they are human enemies, not the Lizards. There will be a full version with brand new enemies that are Lizards. Unfortunately, that might not be ready for a while. Look at the textfile EXTERMINATOR-DETAILS.TXT for more info on the new things found in this mod.
Base: New graphics are from scratch. The new Zombiemen were based off of the Doom Marines skinpack and the "human" Zombieman skin. Explosion Sprites are from Metal Slug. The new Chaingun guy is a modified Strife rebel soldier.
Build time: Since March of 2006, on and off
Editor(s) used: Wintex, XWE, Notepad, MSPAINT, Sound recorder, GoldWave, IrfanView
Bugs: There are two "minor" bugs that I am fully aware of. They aren't exactly serious, game-play crippling bugs, they're more like minor annoyances. They aren't too noticable in-game AFAIK.

*When you run out of ammo for any gun, you automatically switch to the PlasmaGun even though it's been replaced. It's a ZDoom bug when you use IDFA/IDKFA cheats AFAIK.

*Weapons and items that are spawned from the random spawnpoints do not respawn at all in multiplayer games, even when Spawn Items is on. Also, these weapons that are spawned from the random spawnpoints do not stay even when Weapon Stay is on. I don't know how to fix this problem. As far as I know, this is a ZDoom Engine bug.

*There may be some more minor DECORATE related bugs. I can probably fix them on my own, but I'll probably need some help with it anyways.
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