Title: Walt's Anomaly
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/fail01.zip
Size: 509.47 KB
Date: 01/28/10
Author: Walter "Daimon" Confalonieri
Description: Just a "speedmap" of congest map01 and e1m8. This is my "first" attempt to gzdoom released here. This could not been the best wad ever, but oh damn, IS DOOM, the Ruby Gloom cat (registred laughs)! Enjoy.

This wad comes out from a abandoned (?) dw project called boss megawad or something similar.
Credits: ID, for the fancy game! My family Nick baker \ Skulltag team for some of the skulltag texture stuff Tormentor667 for too much brown and bestiary page Ben2k9/Virtue for the Cyber Baron Graph Zahl for Rapid fire trooper Neoworm for Imp Trite SCY/TSCC for 6seviert.xm other people i forgot to mention
Base: New from Scratch
Build time: 11 hours, more than less
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder, Doombuilder 2, XWE, SlumpED, paint
Bugs: none, altough this is a 11 hours speedmap. if you found any mail me.
Rating: (5 votes)
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Slick. :-) It isn't exceptional, but it's still fun: that's what matters in the end, right? 3 stars. - Obsidianx
End game by killed BOSS is annoying, ever. This map isn't a fail, but a OK map. Worth play once, but just that. 3/5 -playerlinx
I somehow didn't like this map too much. It's like a lot of zdoom tricks put together. And when I kill the final boss it ends suddenly. I wanted to explore the secrets first.. 3/5 - Optimusx
I remember this map back in September or October of last year. 4/5 Philnembax

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