Title: Fear Station: Charlie
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/fear_stc.zip
Size: 205.56 KB
Date: 11/03/17
Author: ReX Claussen
Description: Tech-base themed map with non-linear design and alternative paths. Gameplay varies depending on the order of weapons you pick up.
Credits: Stian Skjondal (http://members.xoom.com/zerosignum, zsignal@organizer.net) for the new sky (from his skypack1.wad) Csabo (wadedit@marchmail.com, www.doomworld.com/XWE) for creating the PLAYPAL Jimmy & various (from plutmidi.wad) for creating the music track included in this mod
Base: Single level from scratch. Some decorations are borrowed from phobos_g.wad & fear_stb.wad
Build time: Several months, off and on.
Editor(s) used: WadAuthor for map-building; SlumpEd for resource management; Midi2MUS to convert from midi to MUS format
Bugs: None
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