Title: The Fortress of Lucifer
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/fluciv3.zip
Size: 2.77 MB
Date: 12/13/15
Author: Nambona890
Description: Yes, I know you're gonna take one look at my name and automatically assume this is going to be a Terry WAD, but no need to be paranoid though. This is just a short little slaughtermap that I put together in about 5 months, most of that time being me forgetting it even existed because I was doing other things like SMW hacking. So enjoy this dynamic-light-abuse-fest!
Credits: Jazz Jackrabbit for the music, GothicDM for 99% of the textures.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 5 Months (most of it being doing literally nothing on the WAD)
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder and Slade 3
Bugs: Haven't found any, but if there are any, just let me know by either email or the reviews section.
Rating: (16 votes)
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That was one fun map overall, and Nambona890 did a great job making it.x
Very good GZDoom level and very good use of dynamic lighting. Not bad boss too.x
walter confalonieri
not so slaughterish, but is a cool map... also invisible monsters, AARRGGHH!x

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