Title: F O R C E K I N Z O L A 1
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/forcekz1.zip
Size: 170.34 KB
Date: 08/31/01
Author: ANDY MCKIE aka mystic
Description: Designed for SINGLE PLAYER deep water and real 3D floors etc. Sort of a demo of my forthcoming TC megawad FORCE KINZOLA 3D which will hopefully have some new textures and sprites.
Credits: Alastair Montgomery (Big Al) from http://www.doomheaven.co.uk A good friend, he has helped me to test and distribute my wads on his Doom Heaven website, even the ones I dont want distributed. Also occasionally gives me his cast off hardware which helps me a lot. Thanks again Al

Amritpal Notta (AP) from http://www.bollywoodheaven.com, apart from being a good friend, he supplied me with a second PC to test my deathmatch levels, and a CD writer, and a 56k modem among other things. Big thanks to U2 AP

JIVE of Doom Legacy Wads fame for his encouragement and advice on optimising my wads for opengl

The authors of DETH, WINTEX, NWT and ZENNODE, my editors of choice.

id Software for creating the greatest computer game ever.

The DOOM LEGACY team for making the greatest game even better

JASC software for making PAINT SHOP PRO, the best image manipulation program.
Base: Brand spanking new from an old template
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DETH, ZENNODE
Rating: (2 votes)
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this level is ok but some of the doors would not open and its not possible to beatx
P O O R. This is the first level of a megawad that never came out by a level designer whose two websites are down. He was a prolofic author for Doom Legacy and a couple of his levels are decent ("Isis" is very attractive). This is just a standard space station, with a grid layout and lots of pokey rooms. The water effect is unimpressive and there are only two 3d floors, and they aren't much to write about. This is inadequate even as the first level of a megawad. The exit switch doesn't work.x

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