Title: Fort Doom
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/fortdoom.zip
Size: 151.1 KB
Date: 09/28/16
Author: FlightPhoenix
Description: This is my very first map, it's pretty short and not too hard. sorry for any mistakes, i hope you enjoy.
Base: New
Build time: Three weeks
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2
Bugs: Some door sides are not unpegged.
Rating: (9 votes)
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This is actually pretty good, loved the castle look to the levelx
Not bad for a first map - I've seen worse. The application of the texture causes the map to be ugly and so does the width of corridors. Layout is based on rectangular rooms, but that's to be expected. As a map in general it's enjoyable to play but has strange monster encounters and doesn't look too good.x
Hey not bad map man, Very chanlenging with average monster placement. the archvile trap was very good! i liked the detail, Good work!x

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