Title: Gamma Station
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/gammasta.zip
Size: 232.95 KB
Date: 07/26/19
Author: wesley (beast) werner
Description: A bad feeling runs down your spine as you scale over the perimeter wall, entering the base. Nobody answered the doorbell, and comms are down too. You were hoping the base partially survived the demon onslaught, hoping for a bunk bed and a hot meal. You prepare to make your way into each of the three underground structures. Demons beware, hot lead is the only meal you bastards are going to get!
Credits: All of the playtesters that offered excellent criticisms and advice: noisebloom for the detailed ammo and monster balancing notes, and Super Mighty G for the FDA. Your feedback were invaluable.
Base: . Nobody answered the doorbell, and comms are down too. You were hoping the base partially survived the demon onslaught, hoping for a bunk bed and a hot meal. You prepare to make your way into each of the three underground structures. Demons beware, hot lead is the only meal you bastards are going to get!
Build time: ~2 months
Editor(s) used: Eureka v1.24
Bugs: On HMP and above skills, there is a rocket item in the base through the yellow door. If you hit a switch that opens two doors on either side of this rocket item, it appears to float in mid-air. You can still pick it up. Gameplay is not affected.
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