Title: Gawr Gura
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/gawrgura.zip
Size: 684.32 KB
Date: 04/12/21
Author: E.M.
Description: Here's a short map I made on a whim. I started work on it back in September, then NaNoWadMo happened, and sometime after that I realized I still had this lying around, so I decided to finish it. The "story" is that Gawr Gura is your queen, but the demons are shrimping over her and you don't like that, so you need to kill them to win her affection. I also used this map as an excuse to play around with Plutonia textures. It's not very long compared to other standalone maps. You can beat it in less than 10 minutes, although it's still challenging.
Credits: id Software, for obvious reasons. The Casali Brothers, for the textures. VG Music, for the custom midis. Gawr Gura, for being a cute shark girl.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: A few days
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder, SLADE
Bugs: None that I know of.
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