Title: GLOOM
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/gloom.zip
Size: 753.99 KB
Date: 08/02/20
Author: King S P O O N
Description: Before you ask, no this is not a TC of the Doom clone for the Amiga CD-32X. This is a one map WAD with a very Nukage/Toxic Waste theme to it, with Roman/Ancient Greek architecture and some industrial tech thrown in as well. I originaly wanted this to be an 8-map WAD with new monsters and an epic boss battle at the end, but as you can see that was a bit too ambitious for me. I got so burnt out making this one map that I couldn't find the strength to make more. Difficulty for this map ranges between Doom 2 and Plutonia, but not exclusively one or the other. You'll know what I mean when you play it. Expect there to be some jumping, crouching, and freelook mechanics to be involved.
Credits: id software, Testers ΩNikoΩ and Mik57 from Discord, Randy Heit for GZDOOM, CodeImp for Doom Builder
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 2 weeks, give or take
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder v2.3.0.2787
Bugs: Texture alignment bugs. A sector in a 3D floor in one room is non-solid even though I set it to solid.
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