Title: Goratory
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/goratory.zip
Size: 329.38 KB
Date: 10/02/23
Author: Human_Animal
Description: Goratory is a hellish slaughterhouse with lots of wood and damaging blood.

There are five main areas in the level (a blue key section, a red key section, a yellow key section, a central hub, and an exit area). All of them are composed of several rooms, and each room has multiple entrances and exits.

Since all the rooms loop into each other, you will never feel safe until you've cleared out a whole area. Monsters can always walk up behind you if you let your guard down.

This map was tedious to make. Over a week after I started drawing up the layout, I finally finished it, but then I realized it sucked so I deleted the whole thing and started from scratch.

When I rebuilt it (which took another full week), I focused on making the rooms look less orthogonal, so it looks and feels more "sprawled out."

This map is also extremely hard, probably more so than any other map I've uploaded. However, I put big ammo pickups, Supercharges, and free Invulnerabilities throughout the map, so you shouldn't have to worry about ammo consumption and you can just go crazy.

Goratory is all about mowing down hordes of enemies, but not mindlessly. If you're not careful, you can die easily, and the high number of Cyberdemons and Archviles will keep your stress levels very high.
Base: None
Build time: 1 month
Editor(s) used: Various
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