Title: Grid 32
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/grid32.zip
Size: 1.23 MB
Date: 07/25/08
Author: Guest, Shadowman, Wraith
Description: MegaWad is consisting of 6 levels, which were built in "grid 32". This map editor grid was used while making all of these levels. All vertexes lay on knots of a grid 32, and this rule does not extend on things.There is no general style, each map expresses individual style of it`s author. All leves are united by "grid 32", hence the corresponding name of this wad. The original idea of the rules for grid with the 32x32 dimensions introduced by Andrey Budko, aka "entryway". MegaWad also includes new titlepic, interpic and credit by Shadowman, dehacked patch by DoomExpert, new font and menu graphics by entryway and several replaced sprites.
Credits: ID Software for the best game Doom DoomExpert (for dehacked patch) entryway (for new font and wad testing) 3EPHOEd (for modified Doom Builder) Aleksej (for wad testing) Jake Crusher aka [LeD]Jake Crusher (for readme)
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 27.05.2008 - 25.07.2008
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 1.68v (modified by 3EPHOEd), XWE 1.16, deutex, Photoshop 8.0
Bugs: None
Rating: (25 votes)
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