Title: Plate - 2 micro levels
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/gs_plate.zip
Size: 760.58 KB
Date: 03/21/15
Author: Gunsmith
Description: I tried to make a few medium-sized maps but I was quickly tired of it and upload what it has turned. This is 2 very small maps. I am sure that you will not like this wad, but I forced to upload it, because I don't want to work with it anymore.
Credits: Nick Baker for textures, Team TNT and Modarchive.org for music, Raven Software for 2 Skyboxes (recolored), Realm667 for monsters, Creators of the tools I used.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About 2 weeks
Editor(s) used: GZDoomBuilder, SLADE
Bugs: Misaligned textures, many odd stuff in the wad included...
Rating: (5 votes)
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First map looks nice, should've ditched the symmetry for an arena fight with one lion-baron. Second map, barons and lion-baron are completely avoidable, latter didn't wake up. Both maps, emaciated imps are totally harmless because the areas are too small for other monsters to draw your fire away so the imps have time to finish their animation. Final combined time: 2:13.x
I understand how hard it might be for new people to come into mapping, it seems monotonous and boring, but this was pretty darn good, honest! The detail was rather nice, and gameplay had pretty noice essentials, sadly offset by it's claustrophobic setting.x
Simple, easy, boring.x

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