Title: End of Eon
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/gzjoel.zip
Size: 353.46 KB
Date: 09/09/16
Author: Overstory_Lover_63
Description: A map made for the vinesauce 2016 mapping contest. I had just released Tapperoo and was looking forward to a break when doomworld posted about one of my favorite youtubers/streamers hosting a mapping contest. Might as well insert the text screen from Circle of Death. But I buckled down and decided to do this thing. Through a haze of 70- hour long days, foreigner and Kenny Loggins mixtapes , and watching Rick Steve's "Europe", I finished it. I'm pretty proud of it, I just hope people don't put that in quotations on a 0-star review. This readme was written before the stream, so I don't know if it's a winner or not. And here's a short story for the people like me who actually like a story in the readme: You've tracked down your prey. The government hired you to find and destroy a giant collossus that goes by the name of "Eon". You're not sure if he's actually here, but his mark is: a large demonic tablet with his face straight in the ground. You must destroy the areas he's left his power in; a mining site, a chemical plant, and his own temple, in order to get into the database in the center of the hub. Beware, Eon's power comes from his telepathy and magic, punching you with his mind and summoning his worshippers to fight for him. Good Luck. P.S: this was made in a week and a half, so expect problems that naturally arise out of speedmapping (I know over a week's not really speedmapping, but it was for me).
Credits: Id, as always. Pandora and all the bands I listened to for getting me through it. Rick steve's "Europe" and Painkiller for inspiring the architecture and gameplay in Eon's Temple and the Finale. My friend David for letting me borrow his mouse when mine broke. Of course, Joel of Vinesauce for supplying your viewers with great games and hilarity. You have changed lives, whether you should've or shouldn't have with just a funny game show. Hope you had fun with the map!!
Base: New from scratch
Build time: A week and a half
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder 2
Bugs: If you open it up in any editor or cheat, there's a lot of weird stuff behind the scenes. Other than that, everything should be fine. If you find any bugs, send them to my email. but send it in english, not an error report or something, because I don't know coding. Remember, if there's homs in the sky, you're using the wrong engine. Also, I accidentaly made some places too dark, so feel free to turn up the brightness.
Rating: (5 votes)
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The amount of unnecessarily dark areas everywhere is very annoying, you mention them in your bug report, but It's a bit silly to expect the player to adjust your map for you when you could do it yourself. All in all, it's an alright map, but it could do with some work. I did like the more open ended central area that you spawn in though, after accounting for the brightness problems.x
Primitive architecture in a map that is a conjuction of random ideas. The map is technically broken - some teleporters are W1, and at the end you can jump off a raising floor and get stuck in a tiny area between it and the door - there's no way to reopen the door or lower the lift. Gameplay is sometimes okay and sometimes a chore due to expansive (rectangular) areas.x

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