Title: Head Survival
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/head.zip
Size: 1003.81 KB
Date: 06/14/05
Author: James Lord ( Zippy )
Description: A multiplayer co-op map in which up to four players fight against a horde of heads (the author's head and that of my roommate's.) Gameplay is round based, with life and ammo recovering between rounds. There are 2 alternate modes of play and 4 player classes to choose from. Map is balanced for 3 or 4 players, but will still run fine with 1 or 2.
Credits: Testers - Kaze (roommate), Senshi, Niji. Others - Randy Heit for ZDoom, the ZDoom Wiki and the people behind it. Pyscho Siggi, who wrote the original DOOM 2 monsters in DECORATE format (I used pieces of it), id Software for Doom, Raven Software (used/modified 2 Heretic sounds.)
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 60 hours, little more, little less
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder, ZDBSP, XWE, Notepad, MSPaint, Photoshop, Goldwave, some digital camera software, Hotpockets (Yum)
Bugs: In normal mode, it's theoretically possible you might not get your rewards at the end of a round. There are things in place to prevent this, and since I've put those in I've never seen it happen in testing, but it's still possible (in theory.)

Sometimes it seems that ZDoom loses count of the monsters (reports something like 142/160 at the end of a round instead 160/160.) Only seems to occasionally happen. I've checked and the right number of monsters are being spawned (and subsequently, killed by the players) so just ignore the discrepancy if you see it.

It's possible for the player who is the Rocketeer to go some places he shouldn't. It hurts you enough to do it anyway, so see if I care. Might break your own rewards script anyway.
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