Title: hell4eternal
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/hell4eternal.zip
Size: 386.74 KB
Date: 09/05/22
Author: James Cuffari
Description: This is where you go when you DIE! (In Doom 2 of course.) Fight until you die, There is no OUT! (Unless you ESC and close the game, then is when you can leave.)

Weapons, Ammo, armor, and health spawn throughout the Map on Timers. Soulsphere, blue armor, and Berserker pack spawn at a slower rate. BFG, and Megasphere much slower. Invulnerability spawns every 7-8 minutes.(If you can survive that long) Maximum amount is 10.

Demons spawn on timers, heavier demons timers won't begin until you progress further. I Recommend not playing on VERY HARD/NIGHTMARE, demons will respawn while more spawn in.

Whatever you do don't go near the edges, you can fall off the map and will kill Doom Guy.(Even with Invulnerability) It is a big open arena floating above lava, eventually the floors will come out/back in of the ground. It may help you or get you killed.

*If you are using Mods like Brutal doom. I recommend using "weapons only" mods. (Giant CyberDemon with 20,00 health would eventually spawn and when killed ends the map. NOT Supposed to happen!)*
Base: New from scratch hell4eternal
Build time: One week, and a half.
Editor(s) used: Ultimate doom builder.
Bugs: None.
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