Title: Hellborg
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/hellborg.zip
Size: 27.95 MB
Date: 03/02/16
Author: Erdem KIRMIZI
Description: I did this as an hoby, which it took too many time than it is supposed to. From time to time, I stopped designing, got bored from it, but and then again I wanted to continue. I was planning to make many more levels but since the new DOOM is coming, I want to give a shot to SnapMap :). I recommend using Zandronum because I never tried on other engines, actually I tried it on Doomsday Engine also(love the 3d effects) but some switches does not work properly which gets you stucked at some part of level. The Story is same as the original Doom's one. Some events happened and then you were sent to deal the HELL out of it :). Enjoy!
Base: Modified version of DOOM 2
Build time: 2 Years
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2
Rating: (7 votes)
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The first two maps aren't too shiny. They're flat, easy and have glaring texture alignment errors. But then WAD picks up. Visuals get much better. Gameplay, while still rather easy, gets better. Maps are grand - each might take about 30 minutes to beat. Layouting suck though. Switches are far away from objects they trigger and so are keys. You backtrack alot through already cleared hallways. Due to technical errors and annoying layouting it doesn't deserve 5*, so I give it 4*.x

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