Title: Escape From Castle Hitler
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/hitlerca.zip
Size: 9.39 MB
Date: 02/29/16
Author: Aidan Geisler (Luigi2600)
Description: This was one of the first wads i've released so far since most of them are unfinished.
Credits: Armyman for the mp40 and untrustable for the enemies.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 3 Days
Editor(s) used: Slade3 and GZDoom Builder
Bugs: None from i've seen so far.
Rating: (13 votes)
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Seeing the recent reviews I wanted to say that. This was one of my first mods and this was back when i didn't know how to use decorate correctly. I should've fixed it slightly but however it was too much of a mess to fix. x
Funny, but broken. The level can be beaten with no problems, but there are silent guns, silent enemies and missing textures. Wth?x
it's good but few things why is the Nazi's infighting each other also the mp40 has no firing sound also the ss sounds is not working third and foremost i would've made a separate level for mecha hitler and replaced map 32.x
just nox
not bad But not very wolfen-ishx

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