Title: From Home To Hell
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/homehell.zip
Size: 931.86 KB
Date: 08/31/16
Author: Carlos Lastra
Description: This is a map pack for Doom 2, which contains 7 levels. These maps follow these rules:

*No super shotgun *No backpack *An Ultimate Doom Style


A big, unstoppable demon summoned a horde of his minions to conquer your planet. However, God has put you, a veteran UAC law enforcer, in his path of destruction.

Your mission is clear: travel to his hellish home, obliterate him and return home.

//****END OF MISSION***//
Credits: My brother Javi, for testing these levels. The programmer of Doom Builder 2.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 3 months
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2 (UMDF settings) and Slade3 (MAPINFO)
Rating: (9 votes)
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Getsu Fune
author probably should say these levels are only compatible on UV, as on lower settings, some monsters will be missing and the closets that should open up don't for some reason. other than that, average wad.x
Very good WAD - despite limited arsenal it's not tedious and manages to get difficult at the end. The visuals are very good - theme is brick & base. Levels aren't too big and the WAD can be easily beaten in one sitting, which should be just enough to have some fun and not get too tired.x

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