Title: The House of Hell
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/houseofhell.zip
Size: 406.67 KB
Date: 04/28/24
Author: enigma101
Description: You, the brave marine, have been tasked with investigating the site of a new demonic invasion. The house you've been sent to was previously owned by the Order of the Dead Knights, a doomsday cannibal cult well-known for their demonic and satanic rituals. After a ceremony where the group tried to summon their leader, the Dark Mage Bazium, a portal to hell opened and the dead came back to life, as a result of the ceremony going horrifically wrong. All members of the cult were brutally killed, with some being left as only a pile of unknown guts on the floor. Your mission is to kill all of the demons and undead before they reach the rest of the world, sparing no mercy. Now, it's time for you to enter...the House of Hell!
Credits: Texture Credits: Gothic Textures - Gothic Team, Tormentor667, Sky Textures - Mechadon Sprite Credits: Demonic Props - whirledtsar, zrrion the insect, Bloody Chalice - Ghastly_dragon, Warrior Statue/Impaled Corpses - ETTiNGRiNDER, Bloody Heads - Hayabusa Other Credits: ID Software, Raven Software
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 3 days
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder, SLADE 3, ENDTEXT Editor
Bugs: If you play it in ZDoom, some textures might not show up. I don't know why they do that but all textures show up if you play in GZDoom.
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