Title: Hybrid Fragments
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/hyfrag.zip
Size: 1.16 MB
Date: 06/22/08
Author: Lupinx-ressurected aka. Lupinx-Kassman
Description: These are the first three maps of a megawad I work on, on and off, called "Hybrid Awakening." I wanted to release the first three maps to the public to see if I am going in the right direction so far. The story is pretty sparse. Your a creation that wakes up in an underground lab. You have an electronic eye-patch (hud-face lol) and a katana nearby. The UAC is defunct and some new organization called "Hybrid" is up to no good, cloning demons and such. Naturally you have to go into their tech-base called the "Kappa Tower" and kick their asses. Good luck.
Credits: Music:
Title is "Attraction" from Capcom's Megaman Zero 2 sequenced by Tsu Ryu and Sailor Raika
MAP01 is "Break Out" from Capcom's Megaman Zero 3 sequenced by Jay Reichard
MAP02 is "Danger" by Mark Klem
MAP03 is "Give In (With Pleasure)" by Mark Klem
MAP04 is "Anchor" by Mark Klem
iD Software's Doom for textures
Fredrik Johansson's Vrack 3 for textures
32in24 Team/Hellbent's Greenwar 2 for textures
32in24 Team's 32in24-7 for textures
Huy Pham's Deus Vult 2 for textures
Team TNT's RETurn RESources for textures
J.C. Bengtson (SailorScout)'s SailorScout's Textures Pack v1.0 for resources
Dario Casali and Milo Casali's Plutonia Experiment for textures
Grimm's Black Gloves for the black glove'd weapon graphics
Chris Harbin, Paul Corfiatis, and John Bishop's "Operation: Biowar" for textures
Nick Baker's "Gray textures v2", "Nightmare Texture Pack", "Useful Flats Texture Pack", and "Recolored Doom Texture Pack" for textures
Espi's Suspended in Dusk for textures
David Gevert and Paul Fleschute's DarkBase Texture Wad (dgdbtxtr.wad) for textures
Community Chest 2 team for the Community Chest 2 menu graphics
Use3D's Community Chest 3 additions for textures
Gerry Powell's Stencil font which was used in some textures and the M_DOOM graphic
Matthew Carter's Tahoma font which was used in some textures
Capcom's Megaman Zero 3 whose zero sprite was used as a basis in a diagram in PSCREEN1 texture
Requiem team for the Requiem status bar
Crucified Dreams's texture contributors for textures
Alien Vendetta's texture contributors for textures
Don Tello's Samurai Sword for the sword pickup graphic. Used for both the pickup and as an outline in the PSCREEN1 texture
Daniel's Armas 32 for the clawed hand graphics
Moti's "The Techwars" for textures
3D Realms's Shadow Warrior for the katana weapon graphics
3D Realms's Duke Nukem 3D for textures
Various Windows Vista fonts added to textures in MS Paint. Sorry to say I don't recall the names of these fonts, but they were default fonts that were available in Microsoft's Vista
iD Software's Quake for the former human death sounds
Banjo Software's Hacx for the item pickup sound
Kenneth Scott's Remorse for the door opening sound
Chris Harbin, Paul Corfiatis, and John Bishop's "Operation: Biowar" for the lift move/stop and player landing sounds
Nick Anderson's Ninja Duel for the sword and claw sounds
Special Thanks:
Scuba Steve for their lightsaber addon whose dehacked patch is what the katana dehacked stuff was based on
Chris Harbin, Paul Corfiatis, and John Bishop for "Operation: Biowar", Fredrik Johansson for the Vrack series, the Alien Vendetta team for Alien Vendetta, and Huy Pham for Deus Vult 2 whose works inspired this mapset
Fredrik Johansson whose style of ceiling lights in the Vrack series are similar to some ceiling lights used in this mapset
Mattias Berggren and Kim AndrÅ  Malde for Alien Vendetta MAP03. The background square-layered building with the scrolling lightpole in the top right corner of MAP03 is a reference to a similar building in the background of Alien Vendetta's MAP03
My friends and family for putting up with my shenanigans and being supportive
Base: Map 1 and 3 is from scratch. You might be able to compare the center of map 2 to one of my older maps ;). Read the name and you might understand.
Build time: A couple of weeks (I'm slow, I know.)
Editor(s) used: XWE and Doom Builder
Bugs: Nope
Rating: (20 votes)
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