Title: Hypertek
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/hypertek.zip
Size: 413.8 KB
Date: 06/30/15
Author: Jacob H. Orloff
Description: A tech-themed map for Doom 2.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Six months.
Editor(s) used: XWE, GIMP, Doom Builder
Bugs: None. Email me if you find any.
Rating: (8 votes)
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Extremely detailed map that doesn't offer much. Visuals are cluttered, and layout is rectangular and consists of rooms connected with corridors. There are some multiplayer issues that could've been avoided. Fights consist of monster invasions in tiny rooms. Grabbing a chaingun gives you hilariously harsh punishment. Author definitely has technical knowledge, but needs to improve on other aspects.x
Not bad at all.Just a lot of switches and that.x
Hypertek was meh at the start, but by the end of 30 minutes of a tight maze, I left my sanity long behind. There's little room to strafe. Its a labyrinth of switches and doors. Doors that open with switches, doors that don't... Big enemies in little spaces. Enemy traps that teleport in from in front to distract you and behind to sandwich you. Visuals are a mish mash of tech vomit that puts in a lot of detail for little effect.x
It's not bad design-wise but the gameplay really lets it down. Lots of increasingly strong monsters appear in a small space with little movement. Doesn't really work.x
Very mixed bag. Author shows technical skills, and he knows how to decorate too. ATOH the map layout is too rectangular and repetitive, and the ambiance lacks originality. Gameplay suffers from the boring switchhunt. Much worse is that, due to the awfully repeatably thus predictable monster placement / popups, gameplay @ UV is maybe hard but not attractive. Not at all... IOW: playing it sadly did not give fun. Overall: 2* as encouragement, and author might seriously consider using beta testers.x
Looks competent but suffers from far too much "hit a switch, then another switch, then other switch which locks you in a small room with 20 monsters" gameplay.x

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