Title: Indigo Coast
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/indigo.zip
Size: 12.41 MB
Date: 04/21/24
Author: .danielcss
Description: It was a regular day on Earth until a news report comes out detailing a demon attack on a sacred ancient landmark! Doomguy, ever the history buff, believes in the preservation of such ancient structures and technology. As such, he heads to the island where all the happening's happening to fight for the cause.

The map is pretty average length, somewhat longer than your average map from DOOM I and II. It's a relatively open-ended map, though still quite linear, and it rewards exploration here and there. By far the main thing I'd say is the centerpiece of the map is some of the atmosphere it has. It utilizes colored sectors and ambient sounds quite extensively- (I had originally intended to have no music playing, just the player, the echoing screams of the demons and the sounds of wind howling and water flowing through cracks in the ruins). A blind playthrough of this would take somewhere around 19 minutes, going for all secrets and kills.
Credits: Dial-Up for Murder, for providing the music for the level. Check out their stuff on bandcamp!
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 2 years, roughly.
Bugs: Sometimes a teleporting monster near the end of the map will either not teleport. Said teleporting monsters also have a very slim chance of not activating a trigger or door that they SHOULD be. In those cases, idclip is advised.
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