Title: Industrial Facility
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/infaicl4.zip
Size: 284.76 KB
Date: 12/15/16
Author: Aidan (Luigis) Geisler
Description: I made this map to reflect on the style of the 90s Fanmade Doom Maps. I like that style the most and I wanted to make my first long map since most of the maps I've made are short and lanky. So I decided to work on this single map mod.

There's a secret room which was made to look like my workstation aka the place i'm at when i'm making these mods. If you press the use button on the computer it will end the game which is cheating for the most part.

There's also a teleport area which takes you to a second exit but you have to fight the Cyberdemon with his army of SS Soldiers. It ends the level as well as the regular exit as well.
Credits: Untrustable for the Workable Hitler Enemy' Doom The Way ID developers for inspiring me to recreate their style for this mod. Billy Idol for the song Dancing with myself.
Base: New from scratch.
Build time: 8 Days
Editor(s) used: Slade3 and GZDoom Builder
Bugs: If you use projectiles on the door that's meant to be opened with the switch don't do it.
Rating: (6 votes)
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I suppose it does what it's supposed to do, according to the description in the text file. But it's pretty much what Trupiak said otherwise.x
Sick Bow
While the map design in terms of gameplay was nice, the sparseness of enemies and their easily counter-able placement made for a pretty bland experience in terms of difficulty or challenge. A couple of rooms were very nice and I see a lot of potential Toss in some more (logical) enemies, do a lot more testing, listen to feedback, and you've got a solid WAD.x
Kinda underwhelming, the map looks great but there's few enemies and it's pretty quick to finish, felt too easyx

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