Title: Infernal war
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/infwar.zip
Size: 3.65 MB
Date: 12/17/09
Author: Doomaniac
Description: Five maps of various aspects and a story of survival.

You can play this wad from pistol start in any stage.The higher the difficult, the more the monsters become agressive and damage you.The "Very hard" difficult won't respawn monsters.
Credits: Everyone at brdoom that created some of the monsters
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 1 year!
Editor(s) used: Doom builder 2,Slumped,Photofiltre
Bugs: None yet
Rating: (8 votes)
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I hate end-level by killing BOSS, I have some area not explore and it ends... :( All maps are short, some fun about maybe a little boring. 3.5/5 -playerlinx
The BFG spider was very easy. A lot of kill that boss - end level triggers (I like to explore the map and finding all secrets before finishing it). Some monsters took a lot to be killed but were easy. 4/5 - Optimusx
Sure the ammo is really plentiful but health isn't such so it's still not super-easy and worth a play.x
Far too much ammo, annoying end-of-level triggers, poor grammar are the main low points. The maps were fine though - as said above, a little short, but the new enemies make some of the battles tough on UV -fast. Overall 3/5x
The maps are all short and sweet. I couldn't find any bugs. They are too short though and I always happened to have more than enough ammo. Secrets are hard to find. Detail is pretty minimal except for the last map. Recommended for a short play. 3.5/5 - Motix

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