Title: It was a dark and stormy night...
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/itwas.zip
Size: 103.82 KB
Date: 02/21/14
Author: mrthejoshmon
Description: This is a 1 map replacement for MAP14 of Final Doom: TNT Evilution. This map is intended to be like a 90's level (with weird scenarios, toilets, somewhat random themes and easy difficulty)

Story: "It was a dark and stormy night (Without the storm of course because I cannot make that in the Doom engine).

You were scouting the distant corners of the distant planet known as Reaver, the planet is a massively industrious and heavily mined rocky wasteland, the owner of the VPR67 mining corporation (Mistress Vermia, a wicked bitch) own a mansion on the rocky mess of a planet to provide close control over its industry.

You picked up a distress call from the mansion, turns out that a personal mission of Vermia was to mine through her basement to find the source of a mysterious droning sound...

What she dug into was a portal to a hostile haven, her own little slice of hell.

Within minutes, her entire mansion and personnel were transformed into haunted husks...

Vermia was torn to shreds by her own security but Reaver brings in the UAC absolute fuck loads of profit, this must be why they sent scouting, to find out what happened to their pockets.

Get into that excavation, enter the portal and then lock it down.

Good luck soldier."
Credits: The 90's baby! ID for Doom, Team TNT for Evilution, Codeimp for Doombuilder and you for playing this shit!
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 1 or so months.
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder 2
Bugs: None I know of, but of course report em to me!
Rating: (12 votes)
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very nice tnt-ish map....x
the music did a relaxing vibe for me. or was the intention spooky? now the question is answered what the monsters do in their freetime :)x
Liked much!x
Good scrappy TNT map. Dark, Linear, challenging. A good old blast worth the download. x
Wow that was a pretty challenging map and it took me a while, but I beat it haha. 5/5x
Fun classic blast that isn't too hard and feels like "home" to any TNT fan.x

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