Title: Jason's Hell
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/j-l/jason12.zip
Size: 16.75 MB
Date: 04/30/13
Author: Doomguy 2000
Description: After the success of the critical acclaimed Weightlifter12 Showdown comes this epic unexpected sequel to this legendary classic. It's the same rules as the last showdown, use your fists and skills to defeat the almighty beast from the trailer park known as Jason!

This epic battle takes place two years after the events of the Gold Edition storyline. One unfortunate night in an specific trailer park, all of the residents at the time of the massacre were killed in an unimaginable way never seen before. It happened in the middle of the night when everyone was asleep. Our hero the following morning hears about this incident and decides to get on his motorcycle to check out the location. He sees a portal, but before entering that specific portal, he kicks down a few doors to see how the victims were killed. After this, he then enters the portal to enter what is known as Jason's Hell!
Credits: Jason, WWE, Terry, Joey, Ogre, bioshipcoccinellidae, GallantDon, That_One_Doom_Mod, Wh1teFang, Joe, Deathz0r, ACE Team, and scalliano.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 Months
Editor(s) used: XWE, Doombuilder, Slade
Bugs: None
Rating: (52 votes)
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