Title: Journey To Hell
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/j-l/jotohev3.zip
Size: 5.14 MB
Date: 03/21/22
Author: DamTheGreat
Description: A map pack of 12 levels (10 normal, 2 secret) featuring a variety of environments (base, outdoor, city, hell...)

The forces of hell have launched a full scale invasion of Earth. You must gather your courage and brave the demonic legions as you travel to the very depths of hell to repell the invasion and save humanity!
Credits: Mike Koenig on Soundbible.org, Shutterstock, freesoundeffects.com, Partners in Rhyme, Miguel Angel Jimenez on Sketchfab, MOODMAN on GIPHY.com, Doom Text Generator
Base: New from scratch
Build time: VEEERY long, I didn't keep track due to extended hiatuses
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder, GZDoom Builder, SLADE, GIMP, Audacity, Goldwave, Mixcraft, MIDI Editor, ClockStone FBX Viewer
Bugs: - On MAP05, there is a texture overlap glitch on the door of the high-rise building - On MAP06: - the door that is supposed to be removed by an explosion script sometimes stays in place - the textures and the blown up door look weird - On MAP12, you pop into the floor and then back up when the bunkers are blown up
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