Title: koak.wad
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/j-l/koak.zip
Size: 11.99 KB
Date: 04/16/14
Author: reality 2.0
Description: While searching out demons to kill you find a base. This base is carved into a large mountain. You're just about to head the other direction when you hear demon growls on the inside. It looks like you have no choice but to enter the base and clear it out.
Base: . This base is carved into a large mountain. You're just about to head the other direction when you hear demon growls on the inside. It looks like you have no choice but to enter the base and clear it out.
Build time: a few weeks
Editor(s) used: doombuilder 2
Rating: (9 votes)
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Typical map created at the start of a learning curve. The map itself is plain awful, but as mapping is fun: 1 + 1 for encouraging the author to make progression = small 2/5.x
reality 2.0
Something I should have remembered to mention, but forgot to was that this was done in my spare time during school. I would spend about 10-30 minutes at a time working on it, sometimes going several days without working on it. so in the end, it ended up taking several weeks for me to make. sorry I forgot to mention that originally.x
wow, he worked with this few weeks, anwyays don't go hard on him maybe its his one of the fisrt maps, or its a jokewad lol, if its jokewad then its BAADD..x
I didn't find it THAT bad. I mean yeah, it looks like a first map or something but it wasn't terribly bad.x
From the previous reviewer's description I thought this might be a duplicate of recycled.wad but it's just in the same style. There's no way either map could have taken a few weeks to build. It seems the author couldn't be bothered to put in any detail, texture variation or health so after a while I couldn't be bothered to fight the monsters either. The exit switch is one big glitch, which summed up this map for me. x
Not a terrywad but still sucks. Big rooms, no design, 32px doors, no fighting required. Also, requires zdoom. x

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