Title: Lemon Blueberry Cake Carnage
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/j-l/lbcc.zip
Size: 2.86 MB
Date: 11/29/20
Author: Timothy Brown (MArt1And00m3r11339)
Description: Hello, trash kickers. I made a new cake map for you that consists of blue, yellow, and white. It is titled "Lemon Blueberry Cake Carnage". Unlike the previous cake maps that I have made, this one is a hell a lot longer. For most players, in-game clearing time should be 9 - 10 hours, so have fun. Also, some revenants in the revenant castle located at sector 7,804 had an accident on the floor while waiting for Doomguy to show up, which is why some squares may appear slightly darker than the surrounding ground. Play through can be found at (if you see it as private, it is because I have it scheduled for a certain date but hold on to your seats because it is coming to you): https://youtu.be/3Vhyf_MuZkU
Credits: -ID Software for Doom II -Aubrey Hodges for PSX Doom sounds from Midway -Zachary Stephens (Ribbiks) for Slaughterfest 3 resources -General Rainbow Bacon or Doom Hero for the invention of the Slaughterfest series -Community Chest 4 team for the cc4-tex. -GOTHIC team for the GOTHICTX (which can be originally found in GothicDM or Gothic2. Credit goes to the authors of the graphics). -Whoever created NB_RECOL, credit goes to that person or group (I don't know who made the texture pack, though). -Maximiliano Cislaghi for the sunglasses on Doomguy's face.

*If there is anything that I missed, let me know so that I can remedy it.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 8 months
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder, Slade 3
Bugs: -Some enemies wake up before the player's interaction. -Hit scan objects (bullets and shells) may go through an enemy's body (issue at sector 787 where the cybers teleport, which is why I added extra ammunition). -Some horizontally unaligned textures which is a common thing for very large maps (some may not like that but that is only something minor).

*The first 2 listed above happens when your map hits a certain number of sidedefs so unless there is something that I am missing, there is nothing I can do about it so you are just going to have to deal with it. The map however is complete-able and UV-Maxable.
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