Title: Liberate 1024
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/j-l/lib1024.zip
Size: 313.51 KB
Date: 08/03/16
Author: Philip "Liberation" Brown
Description: Liberate 1024 is a 7 map 1024 set for doom2, it covers various different themes and every map is designed with pistol start in mind.

Music for all levels, blend of my fav doom midis along with more appropriate music for levels.
Credits: Mechadon for his sky texture used in map02 and for the title screen.

Royal_Sir, rdwpa and PseudoGold from the Doomworld forums for taking the time to run round the levels.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 6 Weeks
Editor(s) used: Slade(3), Doom writer, WhackEd4
Bugs: None that I'm aware of
Rating: (7 votes)
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Well designed and solid gameplay.x
Standard 1024. Solid, but 30 puny monsters per map doesn't constitute a good WAD - merely a filler.x

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