Title: Let Life Pass You BY
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/j-l/llpyb.zip
Size: 20.89 KB
Date: 03/22/04
Author: Chris "Chopkinsca" Hopkins
Description: An arcade sytle level, score points, advance in levels. yeah.. Since I couldn't concentrate on my actually project (damn depression) I just messed around and came up with this.
Credits: cyb's imparena from which I borrowed some scripts. (I could have done them myself, but I was pissed off the day I made it)
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 5 hours maybe?
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder (map), XWE (wad management)
Bugs: probably a lot..
Rating: (8 votes)
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Very creative. 5/19/07x
realy cool, starts out easy but gets super hard 5/5 for being inovativex
A classic Arcade Style wad, with plenty of cool tricks. This is the most creative wad i've ever plyed. i'd give 12/5, but you can't go that high, so 5/5 then.x
A pretty fun map, but there's no end dammit... 5/5--SsWolfenSiex
This is really a lot of fun to play. I had fun with it.x

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