Title: Lol Map
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/j-l/lol_map.zip
Size: 115.31 KB
Date: 12/27/23
Author: Colonel_MickeyDs
Description: A 4-level Map pack for DOOM 2.

STORY: It was a average day for DOOMguy, as he had just cleared out a UAC base invaded by the daemons of hell. However, as he was about to leave, DOOMguy was soon teleported to another dimension. After he arrived, he looked up and saw the... unique design and enemy placement and felt confounded at what he was seeing.

Now DOOMGuy must fight his way through this new world and defeat its Icon of Sin to get back to his own.

DEVELOPMENT: The development of this wad was actually pretty similar to a Quake map that I made (mocktower). The mod was one I had worked on a while ago, left alone for a while, and then came back to and finished. They're also both kinda joke maps with level design that's not very good and have surreal looks to them. This one took more effort though, as I had to make more levels and make music as well. The music was probably the hardest (I made around 60% of the midis used), as I was unfamiliar with composing for the DOOM engine. You can definitely tell the difference between the ones made be me and the ones made by someone else, as mine sound a bit thinner for lack of a better term.
Credits: GENERAL -ID Software: for creating DOOM 2 -CodeIMP: for creating DOOM Builder -SLADE Team: for creating SLADE 3 -Lord of the Flies: for creating the Wolf3d SFX wad that I used for the SS guard sound.

MUSIC -"Kleine Amerikaner Football" - Composed and Midified by Colonel_MickeyDs -"New Powerviolence Song" - Composed by EarlaJune and Midified by Colonel MickeyDs -"Theme of E-102y" - Composed by Fumie Kumatani and Midified by John Weeks -"Retrovertigo" - Composed by Mr. Bungle and Midified by unknown (from midisfree) -"Epic Head Bobbing Girl" - Remix by lionkingfan with music from Rhapsody and Chubb Rock, and Midified by Colonel MickeyDs
Base: Modified from an old map I made
Build time: around 1-2 weeks stretched out over a year or so
Editor(s) used: DOOM Builder, SLADE
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