Title: Lunar Outpost 359
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/j-l/loutpost359.zip
Size: 776.26 KB
Date: 03/21/22
Author: (Kyukon)
Description: The original purpose of this wad was to introduce my friends to classic Doom. They got into Doom with Doom 2016, and were iffy about classic Doom, but were open to trying it if I would create some levels for them to play. As such, I attempted to pay homage to some old school level design elements while still making my own maps.
Credits: Biodegradeable, Hak3180, Clippy, Salmon, Suitepee, Terminus for testing
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 10 months of an hour per day
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2 / Ultimate Doom Builder
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