Title: love map
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/j-l/love.zip
Size: 725.14 KB
Date: 02/19/23
Author: Clippy Clippington
Description: love map! The layout was an idea I had for some time but no gumption to make it - then I somehow got inspired to make it love themed with Valentines coming up - even tho we don't celebrate that commercial nonsense lol

I had a lot of fun making custom things


I made lost souls be heart guys that bite ya - drew em myself frame by frame in mspaint lol - we got imp hearts - love viles that blow u up with hearts - some recolored sprites like red soulsphere and potion etc to make it feel lovey

and there are hearts EVERYWHERE please count them I'm too lazy


On a blind run it will be bitchy but the real gimmick is, again spoiler you can't run to the exit or you will get swarm crushed - you have to gather resources for the big final fight by slowly going down the tiered cake and getting the goods. You may be able to skip some goods but I made it as hard as possible to skimp. My goal here was experimental to see if I could make an open exit you can go to any time but have to actually play thru the seemingly optional parts of the map first to get the resources you so desperately need

Happy love map times all thanks for having a look!
Credits: - just see the doomworld thread for all the fun videos and help - I am having a good time u guys!

Base: New from scratch
Build time: 10 days ish on n off
Editor(s) used: UDB
Bugs: she was tested thoroughly boys - if u find a bug then it should be insignificant
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