Title: The Mean Green
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/meangren.zip
Size: 442.78 KB
Date: 01/19/20
Author: Chris Hansen
Description: 3 short to medium sized levels for Doom II. Not very difficult using mostly low tier monsters. But ultra violence do have a bit of punch, though! I hope to make more at some point where I can introduce the rest of Doom's bestiary. The visual style is hard for me to describe... kinda messy, but in an organized way. Lots of brick and metal, green and brown. And a stunning sky by Mechadon. The gameplay is hectic at times, plenty of traps, no SSG and a fair amount of ammo to keep that trigger finger warm and busy. It feels like Ult. Doom, but looks like Doom II.

Boom compatible engine required. PrBoom+ users should use -cl 9.

Map01: "Natural selection" Map02: "Animosus" Map03: "Killing machine"
Credits: BoJustBo for the awesome pixelart used in the titlepic map01 midi "Quad machine" by Sonic Mayhem map02 midi "Stream of embers" by Jimmy map03 midi "Rusty nails" by Jimmy Sky by Mechadon Olroda for the palette (jovian palette)
Base: New from scratch
Build time: approx. 6 months
Editor(s) used: GZDoomBuilder, Slade 3, paint.net, Bitmap Font Writer, WadSpy
Bugs: None
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