Title: Meaga
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/mega.zip
Size: 105.72 KB
Date: 10/30/09
Author: Ivano Lich
Description: Designed for 10 levels (Mini Mega) I did not have time to finish 3 levels, well, actually scope to complete one level without even having a name, and the Mini mega actually was called "MEGA".
Credits: Anyway
Base: Somebody
Build time: 1 month, June to July 2008 Approximately.
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder, Photoshop cs2, Paint
Bugs: What bugs???
Rating: (4 votes)
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Easy and short, but really nice made.x
very short, but goodx
Too easy and short. Good detailed but 2/5x
Nicely detailed, but too short and unchallenging. x

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