Title: The Ultimate Melee Battle
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/meleebtl.zip
Size: 148.76 KB
Date: 07/08/10
Author: Stormwalker
Description: Have you ever wanted to just slap an imp silly? Ever dream of showing that pesky Revenant how a punch is really thrown? Do you chainsaw pink demons to death even when you have plenty of ammo? Then this wad may be just what you need to satiate your thirst for "up close and personal" killing.

In this level, assuming you don't cheat, you'll only have access to two weapons: your fist (augmented by berserk pack) and the chainsaw. I'm placing you on the honor code with regard to the pistol and the 50 rounds you start with, but even if you use it, you'll soon run out of ammo, and there is none to be had in this level.

Make no mistake, this level is not for sissies. The level starts out easy but quickly becomes rather nasty. Expect to face most of the DOOM 2 bestiary before you see the exit. The following are some general strategies for dealing with monsters, melee style. For imps, lost souls, and demons/spectres, either punching or the chainsaw will work well. Use the chainsaw on Pain Elementals, Cacodemons, and Arachnotrons, as it prevents them from attacking most of the time. For Hell Knights and Barons, I recommend you run up to them and punch ONCE, then back up and circle-strafe, rinse and repeat. For Mancubus, Revenant, and Arch-Vile, punch ONCE and then run to cover, rinse and repeat.

I included a demo file which will work with ZDoom 2.4.1, mostly because I'm sure some joker will say this level is too hard or impossible. The demo shows me beating the level with 100% everything. My DOOM skills are average at best, so if I can do it, you can do it. Make use of monster infighting and save often!
Credits: My fists for inspiration.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 weeks
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2
Bugs: None known
Rating: (10 votes)
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