Title: Mephitic Purity
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/mephitic.zip
Size: 944.42 KB
Date: 08/18/16
Author: Lee "DooMAD" Wallis
Description: Moar brown than Quake with a hint of sewage. Initially began as a map for Community Chest 3, which was originally proposed as a ZDoom-based project, but then it was decided that it would revert to Boom-Compatible, so the map couldn't be included (and, chances are, would never have been finished in time anyway).
Credits: Playtesting / Bugfixing Dennis "Exl" Meuwissen, James "DoomGoat" Denny, Michael "Mikkacev" Stevenson, TheMisterCat, Quineotio
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Started in 2005, so 11 years
Editor(s) used: WadAuthor during the early phase, Doom Builder 2 for the rest, Wintex and XWE
Bugs: Some minor slime trails. Exit and teleporter won't work if monsters are disabled.
Rating: (5 votes)
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Fun level with nice detail, clear progression, balanced difficulty and slightly low amount of ammo.x

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