Title: mforest1.wad
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/mforest1.zip
Size: 147.73 KB
Date: 11/10/00
Author: Jon Croce (mantra)
Description: I didi have a whole story for this but i forgot it, something about demons escaping (cages at beginning) and stopping them then going out through the teleport at the end because your boss wont come back for you. i dunno that sounds about right :)
Credits: nobody muhaha
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: months and months
Editor(s) used: wadauthor, bsp, rmb
Bugs: none i hope
Rating: (4 votes)
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Extremely simplistic wad from 2000 that looks as though it could have been dated 4 years earlier without anyone knowing any better. All-brown in texture theme, with wood mixed in with some MOD here 'n there. The gameplay is at least fun, but the flow is awkward and the nonlinearity only works to a degree in that going the wrong way will cause backtracking. Decent, but nothing too special for its age. 5/10 -Snakesx
This is dated November 2000. You fight 157 initially weak monsters in a series of 1995-style wooden rooms. Starts off easy, but the monsters get tougher as it goes along; the gameplay is very fast-paced, and you can dodge a lot of the baddies if you so choose. The first half is laudably non-linear approach. Ammo, health are just right; holds off giving you the double shotgun until quite late. Good fun, very simple.x
Well after half way through I thought it was kinda easy, although the end was more challenging. It's rather simple, yet still rather fun.x
This map is really not that bad. It's very very basic in design with really no great detail. It is however fun to play and gets more and more challenging towards the end. I had lots of health in the beginning but not so much near the end. This map is like one I made when I first started mapping, simple, basic, and fun. I would say this worth a go. 5/21/07x

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