Title: Mockery Teaser Release
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/mock4lev.zip
Size: 274.3 KB
Date: 01/28/03
Author: Covaro and others
Description: The long await teaser release of the Mockery megawad. The original project of nothing but crap. Enjoy these four levels and look for more soon.
Credits: All the losers who make the bad wads that this level is modeled after. id software for the best games ever. The Doomworld gang for be great guys. All the gang at #zdoom for thinking this a cool idea. My son, who I love to death. Ling for being king p1mp at DW for so long.
Base: New levels from scratch, inspired by many a crappy map that I have played.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Various, due to the number of authors.
Bugs: Yeah, no texture alignment, once again that would defeat the purpose. And a ton of other things.
Rating: (10 votes)
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This is dated 2003, although it's presumably a demo of id=9426, which came out in 1998. It's a typical mix of garish colour schemes, missing textures, awful gameplay and crowds of lost souls etc; the fourth level is surprisingly normal, although very short. Map03 is the most accurate parody, it looks and plays like a genuine crappy 1994/95 level. Map01 and 02 are harder to like because they're neither accurate parodies nor funny in their own right.x
Lol. That was wierd. Yes...terrible, but maybe you shouldn't put any monsters on them.x
Hilarious, but it seems like it'll never be done. --Crazee Boy, three starsx
Not that I really want to see this finished. Strange, the homepage is last updated 1998 and there is no link to this demo. Also there is a list of 32 map authors. What happened to them? It doesn't really matter since MOCK2 was already done.x
This one made me laugh. They sure are good at making shit levels, despite their mapping skill. Better yet, it actually had decent gameplay, unlike real shit newbie levels. 4/5. --Wooliex
I give this 5 as they did a good job making horrible levels :)x

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