Title: M U M M Y 3 D
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/mum3d1.zip
Size: 474.12 KB
Date: 07/24/01
Description: This is a re-design of map01 of my MUMMY PHUQUERS wad I got rid of the glitches around the doorways and totally transformed the Egyptian section of the wad using the 3D features of LEGACY. I will be upgrading all the levels and adding more levels and textures in the near future.
Credits: Alastair Montgomery (Big Al) from http://www.doomheaven.co.uk he has helped me to test and distribute my wads, even the ones I dont want distributed.

Amritpal Notta (AP) from www.bollywoodheaven.com, he supplied me with a second PC to test my deathmatch levels, and a CD writer, and a 2 GIG hard drive, among other things.

The authors of DETH, WINTEX, NWT and BSP, my editors of choice.

id Software for creating the greatest computer game

The DOOM LEGACY team for making the greatest game even better

All the Phannies (vaginas to the foreigners among you) in the world, just for being there. Where would we be without them?
Base: level one of the MUMMY PHUQUERS 2
Build time:
Bugs: There are still slight glitches in opengl mode around the window textures on the urban part of the level, this is due to a bug in Legacy, but it helps you to see which windows you can go through so it could be feature rather than a bug.
Rating: (1 vote)
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I played this map in about ten minutes. It's nothing bad, this wad is kinda cool even six years later. 5/25/07x

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