Title: MyCastle
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/mycastle.zip
Size: 2.5 MB
Date: 03/16/08
Author: Gijs van der Linden
Description: Free my castle of the demons infestation
Base: from scratch
Build time: couple of weekends
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder
Bugs: None
Rating: (10 votes)
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Not a bad castle map, it does seem a bit large, but otherwise its not bad. I shall give it...a 3 out of 5.-Candle Mx
This is a big, detailed castle map, with 750+ mostly weak baddies. Despite the large monster count, it plays and feels like a 1995 level. It gets off to a terrible start, with a bit where you run back and forth along some copy'n'paste battlements. It improves greatly once you get inside - the castle is huge - although it's still just a blocky square copy and paste 1995-style map, albeit five times the size. Nostalgic, but could have been much better.x
Wow, this is amazing. I love it!x

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