Title: Netherworld
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/netherworld.zip
Size: 23.8 MB
Date: 03/07/21
Author: NaMcO
Description: You went to Mars, destroyed all the beasts, then returned to earth, destroyed all the beasts but... You forgot to wipe your own city from monsters and they have taken the opportunity to build a new base in one last attempt to take over the earth. Yeah, at the bottom again... Nether World.
Credits: IDSOFTWARE, loads of available resources on the net, Sergeant_Mark_IV, Jimmy (some musics) and some more i don't remember
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Around 4 months including getting to know SLADE, UDB, WAD formats, etc.
Editor(s) used: SLADE, Ultimate Doom Builder
Bugs: There is some minor building clipping in MAP07 from a certain angle at start
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