Title: New reality maps
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/newreal.zip
Size: 303.55 KB
Date: 03/08/15
Author: Memfis
Description: 3 reality maps intended for recording UV-Max movies (beat all three with 100% kills in one go). Before playing on UV you need to learn the maps first (there are no weapons on maps 02 and 03, so if you die on 02 you're screwed). For learning you can play on HMP (pistol start support: you are given the weapons you're supposed to have at the start of each map) or lower skills (pistol start support + 100 hp and armor on spawn).
Credits: Graphic makers, music makers (01 is from animus.wad, 02 is Chrono Cross OST - Forest of Cutting Shadows, 03 is from nitelife.wad, title music is from that puzzle map in Zones of Fear), authors of things that inspired me, TimeOfDeath for reality03.wad, Doomworld users for playing and commenting, Shamus Young for the status bar.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 1 day on Map01, 3-4 days on Map02, 1 day on Map03.
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder, XWE
Bugs: There are health items that you can't get! :o
Rating: (14 votes)
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why no medkit?x
You did a really good job with the setting, defenetly a work of art, but the swarms of monsters were very badly placed. x
Not bad. Short and to the point per the usual Memfis map, but the concept is interesting and using difficulty settings as gameplay modifiers is a neat idea considering as skill settings nobody plays on lower than UV without complaining hehx
3 very short maps where you start with 1% health. It's quite fun, but I didn't bother with doing any "UV-maxing".x
Not my cup of tea.x
cool wadx

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