Title: Nina Dobrev 2
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/nina2.zip
Size: 279.39 KB
Date: 10/08/13
Author: TimeOfDeath
Description: Save Nina Dobrev from the monsters again.
Credits: Nina Dobrev, andrewj, music makers, id software
Base: New from scratch
Build time: a few days
Editor(s) used: doom builder 1.68, xwe, paint, microsoft office picture manager
Rating: (10 votes)
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xxbio Warfare11
Not bad for a slaughter map. You have to die a few times to figure out what to do and how to do it ect.. I wish it wasnt so harsh at the start. Also more ammo would be nice. But yhe map was neat.x
Be our guest, be our guest, put your crapness to the test! This is an ultra-hard slaughtermap by ToD that, gasp, I actually enjoyed playing. The map's unfair, but you get a bit further each time and it leaves me with the sensation that I can beat it next time. It also leaves me with sweaty hands and pits, not something many Doom maps do these days.x
What the god damn is this. As in, WHAT IS THISx
Well, it's not a bad map, a slaughtermap with interesting but nice texturing, but.. Seriously, What the god damn is this?x
What the god damn is this.x

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