Title: NOT
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/not.zip
Size: 459.67 KB
Date: 12/21/17
Author: Bzzrak Ktazzz
Description: About a year ago, there was a small CP on DW that was about putting the Aquatex texture pack, created by jmickle66666666, to good use or something, as the pack was planned to be included into Freedoom. At about the same time I've finished JUPCARN3.WAD and was in search of new mapping thrills when I stumbled upon this thing, and opted for a MAP03 slot. After a month of hard work, I came up with a badass techbase map, but apparently everyone stopped giving a damn about the project, so the map was just kinda rotting there for about a year. Well not anymore ayy lmao
Credits: AlysiumX for the mapping tutorials, id Software, CodeImp for DB2, sirjuddington & Gez for SLADE, Voros for hosting the project, Maxime Tondreau for the music, jmickle66666666 for the texture pack
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 24.11.2016 -- 31.12.2016, + bugfixing
Editor(s) used: DB2, SLADE 3
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