Title: Noob Project Part 4- Space Station Vrack
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/nprject4.zip
Size: 671.45 KB
Date: 01/07/07
Author: Lupinx-ressurected
Description: The quest for the BFG continues.... Read the story below if you want to understand what the hell is going on. In this level, jumping and mouse-looking is required. This is a difficult level, and I highly reccomend you use the SSG most often! The Rocket Launcher and chaingun are more useful for long distance fights in this level. Ammunition and health is in abundance, but so are the enemies! CAUTION: You fight human marines in this level, they are much more difficult then hellspawn!
Credits: Music: Title music and last cutscene music is "Elpizo's Theme - 'Combustion'" from Capcom's Megaman Zero 2 sequenced by Jay Reichard MAP01 is "Prison Lane" from Sega's Sonic Adventure 2 Battle sequenced by Asa Lothario Second cutscene music is "Guardian Theme - 'X, the Legend'" from Capcom's Megaman Zero sequenced by Jay Reichard Boss battle music is "Battle with Bass" from Capcom's Megaman 8 sequenced by Sivak Drac Graphics: Fredrik Johansson's Vrack 3 for textures Rottking's Phobos skin for graphics iD Software's Doom for graphics If I recall correctly the doomguy in the TITLEPIC was an edit on top of an edit. The first edit was an edit by Hozen of Zero from Megaman X4 to be one our sprite comic characters from our geocities sprite comic days. I made an edit on top of that to be the doomguy in the TITLEPIC. Cyb's Massmouth 2 for a screenshot of MAP01, and sprites used in the BOSSBACK Kefka's Sephiroth sprite sheet used as a basis for the COL2A0 sprite Capcom's Megaman X3 for Zero graphics used as part of the COL2A0 sprite The COL2A0 sprite may have had more elements from game sprites or custom sprite sheets that were around in the early 00s sprite comic days. My apologies if I missed anyone. Various Windows XP fonts added to graphics in MS Paint. Sorry to say I don't recall the names of these fonts, but they were default fonts that were available in Microsoft's Windows XP. Sounds: Rottking's Phobos skin for sounds iD Software's Doom for sounds Special Thanks: Fredrik Johansson's Vrack series which this map was a homage to Cyb's Zdoom stuff which was how I had started learning to write ACS The Zdoom wiki for the Revenant and Revenant missile DECORATE definitions which the Phobos DECORATE code was based on Paul Corfiatis for being a good sport with the overenthusiastic 16-year-old version of me that would shower him with emails asking for feedback on maps Sterling "Caligari_87" Parker for the toilet from their "Do it Again" wad which was used in the prison cells of this wad My friends and family for similar reasons to the above. Minus the emails.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Too long
Editor(s) used: Wintex and Doom Builder
Bugs: If there are, feel free to tell me, I think I fixed all of them.
Rating: (27 votes)
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