Title: Noob Project Part 5- Digital Highway
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/nprject5.zip
Size: 18.22 MB
Date: 03/15/08
Author: Lupinx-ressurected aka. Lupinx-Kassman
Description: The quest for the BFG continues.... into a bright and colorful virtual world, where even ordinary laws of physics may be bent a little at times. Several textures were used from hacx, but due to the limited amount of virtual reality textures Hacx had to offer, I ended up making many of my own (either by creating color variations of textures in hacx, or simply making new textures from scratch.) The story is in game, in the form of skippable cutscenes (except the last one on level three, which is the player's choice to simply quit the game or not by then, since the stats are already shown beforehand.) Therefore, I am not going to monologue in this text file :P. The plot is semi-humorous, since I don't think I could make a completely serious plot. The wad is technically three maps, but it plays as one. Oh yes, I almost forgot to mention this wad can be very difficult.
Credits: Music: MAP01's cutscene music is "Rust and Dust" from Capcom's " Rockman Zero 4 Soundtrack ~ REMASTERED TRACKS ROCKMAN ZERO - Physis (Disc 2)" MAP02's music is "DIGITAL CIRCUIT: ORIGINAL VER." from SEGA's Shadow the Hedgehog MAP02's first cutscene music is "Combustion" from Capcom's "Rockman Zero 2 Soundtrack ~ REMASTERED TRACKS ROCKMAN ZERO - Idea (Disc 2)" MAP02's second cutscene music is "X, The Legend" from Capcom's " Rockman Zero 2 Soundtrack ~ REMASTERED TRACKS ROCKMAN ZERO - Idea (Disc 1)" MAP02's boss battle music is "Fake" from Capcom's "Rockman Zero Soundtrack ~ REMASTERED TRACKS ROCKMAN ZERO" Graphics: Hozen (who went by Vega at the time) for their artwork that included the Kass, Vega, Kenesen, and Max dialogue box character portraits, the Kass drawing in the TITLEPIC, and the MAP01 Doomguy and Phobos battle drawing Kefka's Sephiroth sprite sheet used as a basis for the COL2A0 sprite Capcom's Megaman X3 for Zero graphics used as part of the COL2A0 sprite Capcom's Megaman X for Vile graphics used as the basis for the KENS* and KEND sprites The the COL2A0, KENS*, and KEND sprites may have had more elements from game sprites or custom sprite sheets that were around in the early 00s sprite comic days. My apologies if I missed anyone. CyberShadow, Frario, Ren "Fox" ramos, Skylights, Sinoc, Dan Sidney, Nemu, Joe T.E., Sonow, Master, and Neox's Metal Sonic sprite sheet for graphics used as part of PDIAA* iD Software's Doom and Quake 3 for textures and graphics Capcom's Megaman Zero 3 for graphics Fredrik Johansson's Vrack 3 for textures Banjo Software's Hacx for textures The Alpha Dog Alliance's Strain for textures Capcom's Megaman X7 for graphics used in textures Nick Baker's Nightmare Texture Pack for textures Rottking's Phobos skin for graphics KDIZD Team's Knee Deep in Zdoom for graphics The Kins's Doom Enhanced for sprites used as a basis for the TIED* sprites Dario Casali and Milo Casali's Plutonia Experiment for textures Gerry Powell's Stencil font which was used in textures and graphics Wraith Corporation's Perdition's Gate for graphics Rogue Software's Strife for textures Jr Deputy Accountant's Fourteen-segment error display photo used as part of ERROR texture Creator of the warning icon used in the ERROR texture (unfortunately I cannot find information on who made it. The site the image appeared on is no longer around.) Various Windows XP and Windows Vista fonts added to textures in MS Paint. Sorry to say I don't recall the names of these fonts, but they were default fonts that were available in Windows XP and Windows Vista. Sounds: Rottking's Phobos skin for sounds iD Software's Doom, Quake, and Quake 2 for sounds Banjo Software's Hacx for sounds Virtual.wav which was used as an ambient sound. I remember downloading this file from an online sound library. Unfortunately I didn't write the site's name down, and I'm not even sure its around anymore. Sorry, but I'll update this document if I find it again. Special Thanks: Fredrik Johansson's Vrack series for the styling inspiration of the starship areas The Zdoom wiki for the Revenant and Revenant missile DECORATE definitions which the Phobos DECORATE code was based on Cyb's Zdoom stuff which was how I had started learning to write ACS, the Massmouth series which this wad's plot makes multiple references to, and for the sector "weird trees" commented on in MAP09 of Massmouth 2. One of those trees is briefly visible in the intro cutscene of this wad's MAP01 The floor_waggle demonstration wad called wave.wad which the floor_waggle teleporter near the end of MAP02 is based on. I have not yet found who created wave.wad. Will update if I find more information. Erkki-X's Evil Doomguy enemy from the Boss Monster Resource Wad whose DECORATE definition was used as the basis for the evil marine in this Thanks to Johnatone for the server rack wire detailing which inspired the secret in sector 2440. Its inspired by the detailing of secret sector 186 from their "Doom: A Megawad in Two Weeks" MAP14 "The Containers". Sterling "Caligari_87" Parker for the toilet from their "Do it Again" wad which was used in the map01 cutscene Hozen for being one of my closest friends over the years and being really supportive I remember I was learning scripting at the time by looking at how other wads did it. The Quakish "one more to go" sequence for example was probably based on an existing script. But I don't recall what. Apologies if I missed anyone. TheGreenHerring, Esselfortium, and other friends and family for being supportive. And also patient with my requests for playtesting.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Too long
Editor(s) used: XWE and Doom Builder
Bugs: In the boss arena, where you meet Kenesen, there is a very small area where pressing the spacebar will cause the cutscene-skip script early. Easily avoided as long as you don't run around the arena pressing the spacebar madly for no apparent reason.
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